About the JRC-DMS Review Process

The JRC-DMS Self-Study review process provides participating programs with a mechanism for assessing their curriculum, personnel and other procedures to assure compliance with nationally recognized standards. In addition to the multitude of benefits afforded by the assessment process, applicant educational programs receive detailed critiques of their curriculums and teaching practices, with ideas shared for how the programs can be strengthened and improved.

Upon receiving accreditation, programs are encouraged to proudly promote their achievement, particularly when recruiting students. When a DMS program is CAAHEP-accredited, students, parents, guidance counselors, employers, faculty/staff and competing programs have evidence that a quality educational program to prepare students for careers as sonographers is offered. Students assessing educational options are encouraged to seek accredited programs, as evidence that upon graduation, they will possess the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the workplace and will be eligible to sit for the national certification examinations upon graduation.

Why Accreditation Matters to Students

Before embarking on an educational program in DMS, students are encouraged to educate themselves about accreditation. Students who attend accredited DMS programs can rest assured that they will receive the preparation necessary to enter the workplace as a Sonographer and will meet the prerequisites to sit for national certification examinations upon graduation.

When seeking an educational program for training to begin a career as a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, prospective students are encouraged to visit the CAAHEP website at www.caahep.org/Students/Find-a-Program.aspx to view a listing of accredited programs by state. The directory includes the concentration in which the program is accredited (i.e. abdominal-extended, OB/GYN, adult cardiac, breast, musculoskeletal, pediatric cardiac, and/or vascular sonography) as well as the contact information for the program director and links to the program’s website.

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